May 21st End of the World | Rapture 2011 | World Ending | Apocalypse:
Are you aware of what will happen this day (May 21, 2011)? The Family Radio Ministry predicted that the end of the world will be this date. The rapture will happen and many mysterious things will merge that might we know.
The "Watch Your Fave shows" participates the campaign as they said "The End of the World" that will be happened this date - May 21, 2011 in the whole world.
Watch the event online if the world will be really judged. In the Bible said no one knows about the second coming of the Son of God, and it's just like a theft in the night.
But in their ministry, as their prediction that the end of the world or judgment day would really happen on May 21, 2011 and they sure about that.
After watching the said event "the judgment day / end of the world" but nothing happens at all, you may ask question about the prophecy at They are open to all who wanted to ask question after all.
For now, just be ready if this would really happen to us, the rapture, mysterious things, or even the apocalypse.